Randall Rods

Classic Cars Automotive Business


Randall Rods began in 2004. It began as a place for Earl Randall to let his automotive creativity and passions for classic cars take hold. After 40 years working on current year vehicles, Earl built a facility dedicated to restoring and repairing classic cars.   This new avenue in the world of vehicles allowed Earl to use his creativity and talents to bring back to life the cars of the past, along with each customers memories of why that vehicle was important for them to restore.

Earl’s history with the automobile began in 1969 with his formal training at Worcester Vocational Technical school located in Worcester Massachusetts. His problem solving skills, coupled with intelligence and a knack for anything technical flourished in the automotive industry.  Following his schooling, he learned the business side of the industry step by step and in 1991 he opened his own shop.  The shop bore his name“Earl” and what he felt was an essential element for success “Quality”.  Thus the name “Earl’s Quality Car Care” was born.  The business was successful and it’s reputation was stellar in the community. 

Having been in business for himself, he began to urn for a more creative challenge.  He wanted to try his hand at the art form housed in the restoration of classic cars.  He and his wife, Dixie (also his business partner these many years) decided to branch out and add this new adventure. Their second business was born and named Randall Rods.  Randall Rods needed a place of its own so a new shop was built to house this fledgling business.  The paint wasn’t even dry on the walls before the classic car enthusiasts lined up wanting “Earl” to bring back the memories of the past for them.  Soon the waiting list was a year out.  Carefully chosen specialist were added to assist in the work needed to successfully execute each classic, or hot rod at a time being built to the customers needs, wants and desires.  

1957 Ford Thunderbird Randall Rods.jpg